
Saarijärven kansalaisopisto

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Before registration note the following things:

The course fees

When you register you commit to pay the course fee. The invoice will be sent to the address you have given. The invoice of minor participants will be sent to their supporter.


We will send you a bill to your address you have given at registration.


Possible cancellations of registrations have to be done before the course starts by informing the college office by phone. If you don´t cancel your registration to a course before it starts we will charge you a half of the normal course fee


The registered participants will not get any further information about the course or materials before it starts. The office will contact you only in case that the course is cancelled or you have got a place from the waiting list.


  • 110300

    Kuvataidekoulu 5-18 vuotiaille 2024-2025, ilmoittautuminen. Huom. saat ensin varasijan

    Price: 219,00 €
    Teacher: Tuntiopettaja selviää myöhemmin
    Place: C233 kuvataide
    Autumn term: 9.9.2024 - 24.11.2024
    Spring term: 6.1.2025 - 20.4.2025
    Registration begins: 18.3.2024 0.00
    Registration ends: 20.8.2024 23.59
    Number of places: 0 Registrations: 0 In queue: 40
  • 110301 Uusi kurssi!

    Kuvanveiston kesäkurssi 2024

    Price: 57,00 €
    Teacher: Riku Riippa
    Place: Hienola/Arvo Auvisen navetta, Pajupurontie 322 a, 43100 SAARIJÄRVI
    Lessons: 30,00    Autumn term: 5.8.2024 - 9.8.2024
    Registration begins: 2.4.2024 0.00
    Registration ends: 16.6.2024 23.59
    Number of places: 19 Registrations: 19 In queue: 1